The Textures & Elements Of Earth
Earth forms the most unique textures the eyes can see. There are endless artistic interpretations of these textures similar to that of the earth. I have the upmost respect for nature and the captivating beauty it exudes for our eyes. I enjoy learning the process in which nature forms, how everything knows it’s place and role. Additionally, how many things work in harmonious union with one another. Even some competing or working against each other to form their place on earth.
There are so many things we can learn about ourselves and the life we’ve been given through nature. A wise Japanese proverb I’ve come to love is:
花鳥風月 (Kachou Fuugetsu) Literally: Flower, Bird, Wind, Moon Experience the beauties of nature, and in doing so learn about yourself. 起死
Pumzi ya Maisha (The Breath of Life)
A Dance In The Milky Way, is an 8 series body of work that focuses on the spiritual longevity of love between Black/Afrikan people across the Diaspora, that has been attempted to be hidden through the lens of the media. It is my goal to always show the beauty of our community through the use of cultural exploration, symbolism, and color. This piece is titled Pumzi ya Maisha: The Breath of Life.
Mlinzi Wangu (My Guardian)
Mlinzi Wangu is a piece that represents many things from spiritual connectivity between man and animal, to a glimpse into what beauties lie within heaven. Through my continuous use of Western and Eastern Afrikan influences, as well as influence from my own Afro-Latin culture, I attempt to tell a story through the use of symbolism alone.
Ife Ti Emi (Spiritual Passion) Series Title: A Dance in the Milky Way
A Dance In The Milky Way, is an 8 series body of work that focuses on the spiritual longevity of love, between Black/African people across the diaspora, that has been attempted to be hidden through the lens of the media. This piece is titled: Ifẹ Ti Ẹmi:Spiritual Passion.
Inioluwa: God’s Heritage (IN PROGRESS)
A Dance In The Milky Way, is an 8 series body of work that focuses on the spiritual longevity of love, between Black/African people across the diaspora, that has been attempted to be hidden through the lens of the media. This piece is titled: Inioluwa (God’s Heritage).
Kikelomo, is a Yoruba Oriki name meaning “a child is meant to be pampered”. This piece depicts the weight of motherhood, physically, mentally and spiritually. Through the use of symbolism with color, nature, and West African symbols that move the story, I aim to show the importance of parental relationships.
2019 WNY Puerto Rican Parade
I sincerely thank the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY for giving me the opportunity to display my Vejigante Masks in the parade! How beautiful it was to see our community come together and enjoy each other in this day of celebration. It is so important that I dedicate all the artwork I make for my community of people. I will continue to go forward in educating our children of our rich culture and history, to uplift them and encourage them to never forget their roots!